Painting and Sculpture

TF Image Classification for Belle Epoque Posters

In this mini-project we train a Tensorflow model to perform multiclass classification on images of old posters, dating from the Belle Epoque period in France. The classifier is trained to...

TF Image Segmentation on Landscape Paintings from Various Art Movements

In this mini-project we use a pretrained DEEPLAB model with Tensorflow to segment landscape paintings from several Art Movements, automatically highlighting the spatial arrangement of vegetation, water bodies (sea, lake,...

MediaPipe FaceMesh TFLite for Mascarons 3D Reconstruction

In this mini-projet, we use Google’s MediaPipe framework as well as a pretrained Tensorflow Lite model to predict the face mesh given an image of a mascaron (sculptured keystone). We...


TF Triplet Net for Identifying Architectural Style of Buildings Facades

In this mini-project we train a Tensorflow model to identify the architectural style of a church facade. Initially we include three styles :

TF Siamese Neural Network for Identifying Architectural Style of Buildings Facades

In this mini-project we train a Tensorflow model to identify the architectural style of a church facade. Initially we include three styles :

OpenCV Salient Points and Local Descriptors to Recognize Landmark Building in Century-old Postcard

In this mini-project we explore how traditional computer vision approaches can be used in order to find similarities between images. We apply these techniques to find the best match between...

Music and Dance

Classical Music NER with Spacy v3

In this mini-project we train a Spacy Named Entity Recognition model on titles of classical music compositions in French. We are interested to identify the work type, instruments, tonality (key),...

TF Human Pose Keypoints and Tracking for Folk Dance Choreographies

In this mini-project we use pretrained CENTER-NET model with Tensorflow to extract keypoints of human pose and track them in order to record folk dance choreographies.


Natural Language Processing for Semantics of Multicultural Proverbs

In this mini-project we perform Natural Language Processing on proverbs and aphorisms from a variety of cultures, being primarily interested in their semantic analysis.

TF Instance Segmentation and Dominant Colors of Kimonos

In this mini-project we use pretrained MASK R-CNN model with Tensorflow to detect people, who in these thematic photos are wearing traditional Japanese kimonos. These segmented kimonos are post-processed for...